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kitzman's place


My software

rc-nntpd [10] - scriptable NNTP server, written in rc(1).

stm32up [11] - Plan9 STM32 flashing utility.

chessfs [12] - chess game, over 9P.

jdwpfs - JDWP as a FUSE filesystem, with debugging support.

Lieferhund [8] - is a scriptable NNTP news processor. I currently use it to pull RSS feeds and save them as NNTP items. In the future, I want to add support for mailing lists as well. Think of it as your own Gmane/Gwene.

Moksha [9] - is a containerization tool. Currently it supports basic containers using Linux namespaces (a-la Docker). In the future, it will have more features, such as state and config management, and support for VMs. I want this to replace QubesOS.

Other software

Guix [1] is an operating system - and not only. I currently use it for my userspace software, as I run Gentoo, and pre-compiled Guix packages are easier to manage and install.

Poke [2] is my swiss knife when it comes to data encapsulation. You can easily write specifications and parse binary files. For example, you can use it to poke through reverse engineered data packets. ;)

Radare [3] is my favourite tool to reverse engineer closed-source binaries or CTFS. It comes with many functionalities - such as QEMU, and even it’s own emulator called ESIL.

PostmarketOS [4] is what you need in case you’d like to run Alpine Linux on your mobile device. It’s quite easy to use, and even to write your own configurations (if you can find a kernel for your device).

V [5] and Zig [6] are programming languages which also deserves a mention here. It’s what I use if I ever need to write C code without actually having to write C. The FFI is a no-brainer. Plus - you can cross compile it statically however you’d like, so if you write utilities for embedded systems it comes in handy. ;)

For your daily electronic music creation, check out Overtone [7]. It’s a Clojure (LISP) frontend to a synthesis engine. The only downside I could find is that it’s doing MIDI using javafx, not using the engine - which obviously leads to severe problems, and impaired usage. My current experience with it is limited to making warehouse techno. :)


[1] https://guix.gnu.org/

[2] https://www.gnu.org/software/poke/

[3] https://rada.re/

[4] https://postmarketos.org/

[5] https://vlang.io/

[6] https://ziglang.org

[7] https://overtone.github.io/

[8] https://git.disroot.org/kitzman/lieferhund

[9] https://git.disroot.org/kitzman/moksha

[10] https://shithub.us/kitzman/rc-nntpd/HEAD/info.html

[11] https://shithub.us/kitzman/stm32up/HEAD/info.html